Staying Organized: 5 Simple steps to properly take your medications.
Many people regularly take prescription medications to manage health conditions or to promote good health. Some people take 1 or 2 medications daily which are easy to keep track of, but some people take as much as 12 pills a day, and keeping track of so many medications can be challenging. According to the FDA, … Continue reading
Posted in UncategorizedHow to get paid to care for a family member / loved one.
Are you or someone you know struggling financially due to the burden of taking care of a family member? Are you overwhelmed by the cost of medical care for a loved one? Are you losing hours at work due to the stress of being a caregiver? Don’t face these challenges alone. There are valuable solutions … Continue reading
Posted in UncategorizedA blizzard is coming! Are you prepared?
The East Coast is bracing for what is predicted to be a record breaking, severe snow storm, with heavy winds, that will affect an estimated 80 million people. In Pennsylvania, the weather channel predicts 18-24 inches of snow, blizzard conditions, with low visibility due to winds gusting at speeds of up to 50 miles per … Continue reading
Posted in UncategorizedHow to survive the flu season.
The mild weather has come and gone, and the cold reality of winter is finally here. The cold weather brings new health challenges such as the flu, common cold, and respiratory problems. A common myth is that the flu is caused by exposure to low temperatures, and there is not much you can do to … Continue reading
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